There have been a number of assertions and many pages of research about creativity and there still seems to be a good bit of debate about what makes people and organizations more creative (and, then, assumedly, more innovative)
response for this is a bit more open than the previous blog topics.
Overall, I want to hear your thoughts about creativity and innovation
as an individual and within organizations. Here are some questions you
can consider, but you can address other issues related to this topic if
you have other things to say on this.
What are you personal experiences with individual creativity? Have
you had times when you felt especially creative or, even, especially
2. What are your
personal experiences with organizational creativity? Have you worked at
companies that felt or behaved in ways that made them more creative or,
even, especially uncreative?
Do you think you, as an individual, are even capable of being creative
by yourself? And, better yet, do you think a group within an
organization is capable of being creative?
What do you think about the idea of different creative types of problems and, thus, different creative
processes? Should we trust ourselves just to know or sense when we need
one type of approach versus another?
As always, please keep the blog guidelines in mind, which are posted in top right column of the page.